Yann DOH
Marine Mammal Bioacoustician
- Technical:
Passive Acoustics, Algorithm Programming (MATLAB), Signal Processing, Computational Sciences. - Languages:
– Spoken/Written: French, English and Spanish.
– Basis: Guadeloupean Creole and Malagasy.
- 2011-2014:
PhD thesis in Bio-Acoustics:
“Nouveaux modèles d’estimation monophone de distance et d’analyse parcimonieuse – Applications sur signaux transitoires et stationnaires bioacoustiques à l’échelle”, UMR LSIS, DYNI team, Université du Sud Toulon Var under the direction of Pr. H. Glotin, IUF, UMR CNRS LSIS/UTLN, Pr. O. Adam UMR LAM – grants from the région PACA and CeSigma Signal & System SAS. Defended in December 2014. Field work & species: humpback whales, Sainte Marie, Madagascar & spermwhale, PELAGOS/Parc National de Port-Cros, France.
Teaching contract:
(64 hours), in Graphs Theory (Licence 2), Bio-Acoustics (Master 1), Bio-Informatics (Licence 2), UTLN, Toulon, France (2013-2014).
- 2009-2011:
Master 2 “recherche Mécanique, Physique et Ingénierie spécialité acoustique”. Universities Aix – Marseille and Centrale Marseille.
Internship: “Analysis of bioacoustics data from cetaceans, a new model to estimate the source-receiver distance on single hydrophone passive acoustics device: Inter-Frequency Attenuation (IFA)”. UMR LSIS, DYNI team, Université du Sud Toulon Var, under the direction of Pr. H. Glotin.
Master 1 “Physique fondamentale et sciences pour l’ingénieur» at the Université Paris Diderot (Paris 7).
Internship: “Calibration of acoustics antenna”, Institut Jean Le Rond d’Alembert (IJLRA), Saint-Cyr l’Ecole.
- 2004-2007:
Licence “Sciences de la Matière (parcours Physique)” at the University Paris 12 – Val de Marne (UPVM).
Internship: “Design of a software for the computation of Patterson cards in Crystallography”, SARXRS-CNRS (previously LPS2M), Université Paris Val-de-Marne, (Paris 12).
- 2003-2004:
Baccalaureate scientific specialty “Biology”.
Sciences, Travel, Biodiversity, Kitesurf, Diving, Music.